The new lavazza calendar

There is a great story to tell our children
Gunter Pauli, initiator of The Blue Economy.
What I'm doing for 2030 is
promoting a revolutionary innovation model.

I'm Gunter Pauli, a Belgian entrepreneur.

What I’m doing for 2030, but also for every year before that target, is to imagine how to implement a competitive economic and business model that is capable of responding to the urgent needs of all (people and nature).

We call this “The Blue Economy”, as opposed to the “Red” one that caused through debt and speculations a global crisis we experience every day, and ‘Blue’ since we want to go beyond the “Green Economy” we all want so much but where the good for you and the environment is all too often too expensive, thus only for those who can afford to pay. We need to use what we have, generate more value, be innovative and creative, and transform everything we do today into something that is much better, converting unused and unproductive resources into platforms of development. We wish communities and Nature to build on their resilience, and regenerate what we have destroyed and taken for granted for too long.