The new lavazza calendar

We must have the courage and strength to eradicate a system that just isn't working
Carlo Petrini, founder of Slow Food.
What I'm doing to 2030 is
creating a sustainable future.

My name is Carlo Petrini and I’m the President and Founder of Slow Food. Our association is working hard to preserve the biodiversity found in nature and to guarantee a future for the generations to come in balance with Mother Earth's resources. Contemporary society is no longer able to govern its limits: the infinite growth model is no longer able to respect the rules and needs of the natural world. This is why we need to work together to guarantee the right to knowledge, through new education paradigms designed to give all citizens the tools to create a more sustainable tomorrow.

Together we must all have the courage and drive to eradicate a non-functioning system, in the name of a better, cleaner and fairer economy – an economy that respects nature and life.

So we can face up to the challenge and ensure that 2030 becomes that better place we all desire.